We are a group of self-driven people working together to achieve the impossible for the customer.


Sustained Excellence

"Each one of us in BluePi strives for sustained excellence. Excellence is demonstrated through the everyday tasks we do and through our deliverables to customers. Excellence mindset pushes us to always be on the lookout for improving ourselves, improving delivered value and finding more efficient & innovative ways. It is not about matching industry best practices but pushing beyond them."

Challenge others to Grow

"For BluePi to grow sustainably each one of us needs to grow and improve continuously. The mantra to grow at BluePi is to provide challenging opportunities and enable one to achieve the challenge. This core value pushes us to: - Proactively look for our team members who can take on bigger challenges. Believe in their ability to quickly learn and adapt The ability to take on new and bigger challenges is not driven based on years of experience or tenure, it is the demonstrable ability in accomplishing one's tasks and goals."


"BluePi is an aspirational company, the goals we want to achieve would require tremendous efforts and belief. The belief in our - Ability to prevail, despite the challenges we face - Ability to deliver complex technical solutions which adds value to our customers - Ability to find innovative solutions."

Team interest before individual interest.

"Individual brilliance can scale a mountain but team together can move mountains. Behind our success is the teamwork that makes us who we are. Every decision made has to keep this tenet in mind, team interest is over and above any one of our interests."

Be creative. Keep learning. Innovate.

"We drive immense satisfaction when we find a creative way to solve a problem or when we find a new solution. That is why we always strive to find complex and meaningful work, that would require creativity to achieve. Creativity requires constant learning and the ability to quickly translate our learning into action. Innovation is nothing but an application of creativity; to find new ways of doing something or doing a different thing to achieve better results."

Work because you want to, not because you have to.

"We believe it is a terrible cost to pay in life if we work because we have to, doing something that we hate to do. Passion for the work cannot be forced, it is something that we discover when love the work we do. Look around and if you feel the work that we do is not something you would want to do for rest of your lives, probably BluePi is not right the place for you."


Sustained Excellence

“Each one of us in BluePi strives for sustained excellence. Excellence is demonstrated through the everyday tasks we do and through our deliverables to customers. Excellence mindset pushes us to always be on the lookout for improving ourselves, improving delivered value and finding more efficient & innovative ways. It is not about matching industry best practices but pushing beyond them.”

Challenge others to Grow

“For BluePi to grow sustainably each one of us needs to grow and improve continuously. The mantra to grow at BluePi is to provide challenging opportunities and enable one to achieve the challenge. This core value pushes us to: – Proactively look for our team members who can take on bigger challenges. Believe in their ability to quickly learn and adapt The ability to take on new and bigger challenges is not driven based on years of experience or tenure, it is the demonstrable ability in accomplishing one’s tasks and goals.”



“BluePi is an aspirational company, the goals we want to achieve would require tremendous efforts and belief. The belief in our – Ability to prevail, despite the challenges we face – Ability to deliver complex technical solutions which adds value to our customers – Ability to find innovative solutions.”


Team interest before individual interest.

“Individual brilliance can scale a mountain but team together can move mountains. Behind our success is the teamwork that makes us who we are. Every decision made has to keep this tenet in mind, team interest is over and above any one of our interests.”


Be creative. Keep learning. Innovate.

“We drive immense satisfaction when we find a creative way to solve a problem or when we find a new solution. That is why we always strive to find complex and meaningful work, that would require creativity to achieve. Creativity requires constant learning and the ability to quickly translate our learning into action. Innovation is nothing but an application of creativity; to find new ways of doing something or doing a different thing to achieve better results.”


Work because you want to, not because you have to.

“We believe it is a terrible cost to pay in life if we work because we have to, doing something that we hate to do. Passion for the work cannot be forced, it is something that we discover when love the work we do. Look around and if you feel the work that we do is not something you would want to do for rest of your lives, probably BluePi is not right the place for you.”